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Copyright (c) 2010 – J. P. Barnaby
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I sat in the booth, where I sat every single time our circle of ladies wanted to brunch.  Generally, I tried to keep up with the conversation, but today I was inextricably distracted.  My son, the boy I have loved his whole life, was sitting just ten feet from me for the first time in over a decade.  We had seen him at his college graduation, of course, but stayed well in the shadows so we didn’t ruin his special day.  Not that you would have known it was special by watching him accepting his degree.  He was like a machine that entire day, showing no excitement, no relief, no joy, just simply…existing.  It tore at me that even after all the time that had passed, he still wasn’t living.  I thought being away from Chicago might help, that’s why I didn’t really argue when he chose to go so far away for college.  That was only reason I was able to stand him being gone from us again. In his sympathy for us, the dean of Ethan’s college sent us regular emails on his progress – both social and academic.  Over the course of his time there, Ethan was an excellent student, quiet but extraordinarily bright – but had no social interaction with others.  He spent all of his time alone.
Now, he was here on some conference, apparently having lunch with a couple of co-workers.  At least he’s starting to interact socially with others.  That’s a step in the right direction.  I watched him and his two companions unashamedly, and was confused by their interactions.  The girl, a pretty brunette, kept putting her hand on Ethan’s as she laughed.  I felt a small stab of jealousy at this unknown girl because I had never been allowed to touch Ethan when he came back, not even to comfort him.  I had to wait until he was completely under to stroke his hair while he was sleeping.  So many times I sat watching, helpless, as he fought his demons while he dreamed.
I was thankful that I was sitting to his side and not his back so that I could at least see his profile.  I don’t know what he would have done if he’d seen me, but this way I could at least see him.  When he turned to his male companion, the blond whose back was to me, I nearly looked away so he wouldn’t catch me watching.  Then, something caught my attention, and I just couldn’t look away.
There was a light in Ethan’s eyes. 
As he laughed at his friend’s remark, I saw a shadow of the boy I had lost.  It reminded me forcibly of the night we’d received the call that Ethan had been found.
I hadn’t slept in eight years.  I couldn’t sleep.  My body just shut down periodically because it must, but I wouldn’t have called it sleep.  More often than not, I was closer to the waking dead.  It was on one of those nights when I lay awake, Ethan snoring beside me, that I tried to picture EJ in his baseball uniform.  The panic built when I couldn’t remember the finer details of the little red and white shirt that he wore.  My panic had started to accelerate into hyperventilation when the phone rang.  I looked over at the bedside table and saw that it was nearly two am. 
Oh God.  No.  Please. 
I reached for the phone, my hand shaking so badly that I nearly knocked it off the table.  Ethan’s arm slid around my waist, as he asked if I wanted him to answer it.  I brushed him off, and held the phone up to my ear.
“Hello?”  I greeted, my voice trembling.  Please, please don’t tell me that he’s dead, please.  I can take anything but dead.
“Mrs. Charity Hughes?” the voice requested.  He sounded young, and nervous.  They wouldn’t have put a rookie on the phone for a notification if he were dead, would they?
“This is Charity Hughes,” I responded automatically, and then thought to add “is this about Ethan?”  Please, let him be alive.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, and then without hesitation, knowing that I didn’t want to drag it out of him, continued.  “This is Officer Harris with the Chicago police, your son was found in Fleetwood, Colorado…“  I couldn’t stand it, so I interrupted him.  He hadn’t said your son’s body, but I needed to hear him say it.
“Is he alright?”  I asked softly, my voice cracking on the last word.
“Yes, ma’am, he appears to be uninjured.  He landed at O’Hare about twenty minutes ago, and is on his way to police headquarters.” 
“We will be there in fifteen minutes.” I told him after getting the address, and began to push Ethan out of bed.  He looked at me like I’d lost my mind until I said the one thing he’d been waiting eight long years to hear – “Our son is coming home.” After I relayed the content of the conversation, he didn’t need any kind of prodding.  We threw on the first things we could find, and raced down to the garage.  Thankfully, Ethan knew exactly where the police station was, and we were there in less than fifteen minutes.  I don’t think I’d ever seen Ethan drive so fast. Most of the time he buried his feelings deep, but it was clear, in this instant, that he was desperate to see his boy.
The steps to the station were full of reporters and cameramen as we nearly flew up them. They were throwing questions at me left and right as we tried to push through them. I just wanted them to get out of the way so I could see my son. Finally, one soft spoken woman told me quietly that Ethan wasn’t there yet.  The police escort from O’Hare was still a few minutes away. Ignoring the rude men trying to question us, I made my way back down to the center of the stairs, and waited.  When the vultures around me realized that I wasn’t going to speak, they quieted, until we saw the lights from the motorcade bringing Ethan.  I waited, not very patiently, for it to stop in front of the steps, and for them to open the back door.  He got out slowly, his eyes darting around him like a cornered animal.  Once he’d stepped out, one of the officers closed the door with a slam, and Ethan jerked and looked back. 
They led him up the stairs to me, and as he looked up I saw that my worst fears had been confirmed.
 My son was dead.
 The light in his eyes was gone, and he was merely just walking.  I stifled a sob, ran down the few stairs still between us, throwing my arms around him.  He stiffened, and tried to back away.  All of the flashbulbs started going off, and that’s how they got their perfect image of a boy and his mother reunited.  They had no idea he was trying to wrestle his way out of my arms.  We were led into the station where they wanted to question him about his abduction, and talk about how he’d escaped. My son was sitting off in the corner, not wanting to be with the rest of us at the table.  He had his knees pulled up to his chest, trying to make himself as small as possible. 
After a while, an elderly policewoman took me off to the side.  “We didn’t want to talk about this in front of your son, but we’re going to need to take him for medical attention.”
“They told us he was uninjured??” I asked, scared now.
“Your son was held by a sexual predator for nearly eight years.  It is possible that he could have contracted something, or need other kinds of help…” she said knowingly.
And there it was.
My boy, my innocent eight year-old boy had been raped repeatedly for years.
 Of course, I knew when I saw his eyes, but to have it laid out for me like that was unspeakably painful.  And from there, the pain only got worse.  They allowed Ethan to stay huddled in the corner as he spoke in a frighteningly detached monotone about his rescue of the small boy his abductor had tried to force him to take.  Ethan wouldn’t, or couldn’t, say his name, but he said he couldn’t let it another boy’s life be ruined.  When they asked Ethan about his own abuse he had refused to speak.   No amount of coaxing, threatening, or even bargaining, would get him to talk about it in any way.
After two hours, I told them it was enough, that we wanted to get Ethan home.  Just after five in the morning, we walked out of the police station under guard with our son by our side.  Soon, we were home, and EJ looked around curiously as we went through the foyer.  It was like our home, his home, was a place he had visited, but didn’t quite remember.  As we wandered from room to room, just my son and me, Ethan went upstairs to find him something to sleep in.  He was afraid that his presence might startle EJ – that anything was liable to startle him right now.  When we walked into the sitting room, something, hope maybe, flickered across my son’s face as his eyes fell on his piano.  In an instant, however, it was gone.  He sat down at the bench and very tentatively, very delicately ran his fingers along the surface of each perfectly polished key.  I made sure to keep this piano perfectly tuned and polished, waiting for this moment when my baby would come home.  It almost looked as if we wanted to play, his fingers bent slightly, reflexively as he traced the lines of the keys. 
I laid my hands on his shoulders, as I had done since he was old enough to sit at the piano. Tensing, he jerked forward away from me.  He must have heard my quiet surprised gasp because without turning around he said very quietly, “I…I’m sorry.  I just…I don’t like to be touched.”
It made me hate the bastard that took him that much more.  What could he have done to my son that would cause him to flinch like that at his own mother’s embrace?
Ethan brought down an older pair of sleep pants and a T-shirt for EJ to sleep in and I brought them to his room.  He was examining a model that he and little Gabriel from down the street had built the summer before he had disappeared.  When he saw me, he dropped it back onto the desk and apologized.
“Ethan, honey, this is your room,” I told him quietly, patiently. “Everything in here is yours.”  He nodded and took the pajamas into the bathroom to change.  I went to the closet in the hall and grabbed an extra toothbrush and other toiletries and towels.  When EJ opened the door in the too large clothes, he looked like a lost little boy, shell shocked, and terrified.  I handed him the stuff I’d brought him from the closet, and he make quick work of cleaning up.
When he crawled into his bed, the sheets still covered in rocket ships and planets, I asked him if I could stay for a while.  It looked like he wanted to argue, but finally just nodded and then rolled over with his back to me, pulling the covers almost over his head.  As he sobbed and whimpered in his sleep, pleading for it to stop, it was the first time in my life that I wondered at just how much further my heart could break.
My Ethan, the man that I hardly knew, now swatted his companion’s hand away from the check with a laugh. 
My Ethan had laughed. 
I don’t even remember the last time I had seen, or heard, that.  Then, as he turned to hand the check back to the server, our eyes locked.  Recognition dawned in his eyes, the eyes that were alive with something again.  As we continued to watch each other, I began to rise from the table.  Then, one of the servers passed between us, and the connection was broken.  He bolted for the door, as if he were terrified to be in the same room with me.  Choking back tears, I ran after him and out of the corner of my eye saw his shocked friends follow.  I didn’t care about them; I didn’t care about anything except the fact that I had caught up with him; my son was only feet from me.
Remembering that he didn’t like to be touched, but seeing that he let his companions touch him, I laid a tentative hand on his arm.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then opening them again, looked at me.  I tried not to feel rejected by his attitude, but it was hard. 
“Ethan?” I asked softly, and he looked down into my face.  I smiled at him, just as his friends came barreling through the door, putting themselves between us.  In a way, I was gratified that he had found such caring friends, but I wasn’t going to let him leave without talking to me.  So, when they began to pull him away, I put my foot down.  I wasn’t going to let them take him away, not now.
“Ethan Hughes,” I said sternly, and he stopped, still looking at the ground.  For a moment, in my heart, he was that scared little boy again.  The blond haired man said that I was mistaken, that his name was Bryant and they were from out of state.  That floored me, like I wouldn’t know my own son.  I told him as much, and then I turned to Ethan and I wanted to ask him how he was, but the first question that popped out was how long he’d been here.  How long had we been in the same city with no call, no visit?  How much time had I lost with him? 
“A while,” he said in an expressionless voice, like he was just trying to forestall the inevitable.
Oh my God, he’d been living here.  He’d come back to Chicago, and probably never even thought about coming to visit us.  What kind of horrible mother was I that my own son runs from me, avoids me?  I tried to control myself by moving the subject to his friends.  Noticing how close they were, I wanted to know more about them.  How had they gotten through to him when no one else ever had?  The blond boy was Jayden, and the girl was Lexi.  They seemed very sweet, and the boy apologized for defending my Ethan.  He needn’t have bothered.  I took my son’s hand and asked him how long he was going to be in town.  He hedged for a moment and then admitted that he wasn’t sure, that he was staying with his friends and that he had stopped being a doctor.  There was something wrong, something terribly wrong, and I couldn’t let him leave without securing some kind of promise that I would see him again.  My heart ached at the thought that this would be the last time we saw each other.
Searching, trying to find something, anything, to get him to come to, I recalled Sunday brunch, maybe seeing his friend Gabriel would help, they had always been close as children. I blurted the invitation out, almost begging him to come, even telling him to bring his friends since he felt so comfortable with them.  If they were there, and we sat them near the alcove in the back, he might be more comfortable.  I would have done anything just to know that I could see him again.  Finally, he agreed, and he called me mom. 
It was everything I could do not to burst into tears. 
Not knowing if he would call and cancel, I thought this might be my one shot to tell him how I felt-I had to make sure that he knew, above all else that I loved him.  I loved him more than anything or anyone else in the world.  His face softened and I held my arms out, just like I used to when he was a boy.  Then, to my surprise he stepped forward slowly and wrapped his arms around me.  Kissing me lightly on the cheek, he whispered that he loved me too. 
He loved me. 
He hadn’t said that to me since before he was taken, and I had been waiting nearly twenty years to hear it.
I watched as he and his friends walked over to a little Volvo, and then I turned and found my car.  I’d call later and explain to the ladies where I’d gone.  Climbing into the driver’s seat, I made it just long enough for the door to close before I started to sob.  My little boy had come home. 
My Ethan, my EJ, had come home, finally, after all this time.
Even if he did not know it himself yet, for the first time since he was eight-years old, I had my son back.

Copyright (c) 2010 – J. P. Barnaby

“What were you planning on for today?”  Ethan asked from a nearby deck chair.  I thought about that for a minute.  I wasn’t ready to pack it in; I wanted to stay out on the water for a while.  The sight of him in those trunks was doing nothing to contradict that desire either. 
“I thought we could hang out on the boat today.  The girls were going to go out again, and this is nicer than hanging around the house.”  I told him with a grin.  Don’t get me wrong, I love our house, but my boat was special to me.  My parents had owned a boat when I was a child, and some of the best times I can remember having with them were on the lake.  I walked over to him with a beer from the galley refrigerator.  He patted the chair in front of him.  I stopped.  There was a perfectly good deck chair next to him, but he wanted me to sit with him?  I briefly considered what Lexi would think, but I knew that she was okay with whatever Ethan and I did.  Spending time with Ethan, making him feel included was important to Lexi, just as it was important to me.
I sat down in the lounger in front of Ethan, and leaned back into his chest.  We sat like that for a long while, just watching the water and listening to the waves slap against the side of the boat.  It was peaceful.  After a while, all I could focus on however, was the feel of his hard chest against my back.  I loved the feel of his warm skin against mine.  The feeling of his arms around my waist was comfortable, not awkward as I had imagined.  It was when his lips brushed the back of my neck that I knew the context of our positioning had changed.
“Do you want this?”  He asked me, as his fingers ghosted ever so softly over my stomach.  I nodded and turned my head capturing his lips with my own.   The kiss was soft, very sweet at first, but then deepened into something more.  As he moaned softly into my lips, I felt a strong pull in my stomach.  I turned my body slowly, being careful not to upset the chair and straddled his legs.   His hands moved from my back to my ass, kneading it gently.  That only made my erection that much more prominent against my swim trunks.    My hands went into his hair as I pulled myself closer to him.  His lips moved down over my neck, peppering the area just above my shoulder with kisses.  I moaned as his lips trailed down lightly over my chest.
When his lips locked over my nipple, I thrust my hips forward onto his.  His straining erection pressed against mine, and I thought I might lose all measure of control then.  Instead, I reached down with one hand and pulled my trunks down.  He released me for just a moment while I shed them and threw them onto the deck.  Nude, I let my hands trail down over his stomach, and he whimpered and I palmed his erection through his trunks.  Rolling his hips slightly, he rubbed himself against my hand as he continued to lick and suck my nipples.  I pulled his trunks down carefully, freeing his cock.  He lifted his hips, and within seconds his trunks were on the deck as well.  I moved down in the chair, and had just slid the head of his cock into my mouth when he spoke.
“Wait, Jayden.”  He said, getting up out of the chair.  I watched him walk over to a nearby locker and pull out a blanket.  He looked so fucking hot walking naked across the deck of my boat.  His grace and agility were present in every step.  I watched the muscles of his calves and he stood unfolding the large blanket.  Something twitched in me as I watched his biceps flex while he spread it out on the deck.  Then, he lay down on his side and winked at me.   At almost super human speed, I was out of the deck chair and lying next to him.  It felt so perfect to be lying here in the sun, nude with Ethan.    I kissed him again, gently, reverently, trying to convey to him something that I could not say.  I think on some level he may have understood, because he linked his fingers with mine.  The urgency had gone from the moment, and we explored each other with slow, controlled movements.   It was more about expression than animal lust now.
I turned carefully and rolled him on his back, my knees finding their place on either side of his hair.  His hands come across my hips, pulling me down and then his mouth is around me.  I moaned harsh and loud into his inner thigh as I rested my head there to steady myself.  Then I ran my tongue gently around the base of his cock, and up either side.  I feel the vibrations, but barely hear his moan over the sound of the waves.  Sliding my forearms under his legs, I reach up and pull them apart.  He moans again, and pushes his hips up in a silent plea.  The head of his cock is barely in my mouth when his hips move again, and I take him in deeper.   Teasing him, I run my tongue over the head over and over and his hands tightened on my ass, squeezing my buttocks.  I took him deep into my throat, and then he did the same.  It was an incredible feeling, pleasing him like this, while he sucked me.  Ugh, I wanted nothing more than to fuck his mouth, but that’s not what this was about today.  It was about expressing something that was between us.  As I felt his fingers massaging between my legs, I stroked his balls.  His hips came up slightly off the deck and mine bucked softly against his face. 
When neither of us could take any more teasing, we worked each other in earnest.  I gripped his inner thighs and bobbed my head up and down his length.  My moans and whimpers came faster now, with less control.  I could feel him losing control too; I could feel his cries around my cock.  Then, all of a sudden, it was just too much.  I pulled back and let him slide from my mouth.  I put my forehead on his thigh and just concentrated on the feeling of his mouth, his teeth, and his tongue.  He must have understood because he didn’t stop.  My sounds were free and unrestrained now.  As my orgasm just fucking exploded through me, my mouth opened in a silent cry.  I was so overcome by the feeling that I couldn’t get the sound out.  I came so hard into his mouth that I was reduced to panting by the time it had subsided.  I lifted my hips, allowing my softening cock to come free of his wickedly talented mouth and he pushed me down onto the deck.
I lay on the deck, my head resting on his leg for just a moment before I lifted myself up onto one elbow and resumed my oral assault on his cock.  Now he was the one with the unrestrained grunts and whimpers, and each sound just spurned me on.  “Yeah, fuck Jayden…  Just like that…”  He intoned while I hollowed out my cheeks and sucked him harder.  I wanted his orgasm to be as absolutely mind blowing as mine was.  I stroked him everywhere, I hummed, I pulled out every trick that I had learned from him over the years, and it worked.  After a few minutes, his hips launched themselves off the deck again and again as his cock was thrust into my mouth.  “Shit…  Fuck…  Uhhhh…”  He cried as he fisted the blanket at his side and his back arched.  I closed my eyes and let him fill my mouth, swallowing around his pulsing cock.    As he pulled himself from my mouth, he pulled on my arm so that I would move up and lie beside him.  The sun had been blocked by light clouds, so we lay side by side – cool, comfortable, and utterly content.
*   *   *
I was awoken by a low moan just behind me, and for a moment I was disoriented.  I finally realized that we were on the boat, and that we were lying on the deck.  I felt him, naked and hard, pressed against me from behind, his arm thrown casually around my waist.  He was still moaning softly, and I heard my name interspersed as well.  I chuckled quietly.  Then his hand moved down and he was rubbing my hip gently with his fingers.  I closed my eyes and felt myself getting aroused by his touch.  My hips ground back against him in response.  He captured my burgeoning erection in his hand, and then I knew he was awake.  Slowly, almost lazily, he stroked me.  I reached back and pulled his hips hard against me as I rocked into his hand.   He released me and rolled away for just a moment.  By the time I started to roll to see where he’d gone, he was back.   I heard the snap of the bottle lid, and felt his fingers in me.   I pulled harder on his hip, almost begging him to continue.
He reached down and pulled my leg up, and slid into me in one motion.  I kept my hand on his hip, stroking his skin, keeping that connection between us as his hips began to move.  Then, his lips were at my neck.  He was kissing me as he took me gently from behind.  It wasn’t rough or urgent, but sweet and sensual.  I arched my back and pushed my head back onto his shoulder.  He kept his lips at my neck, kissing it, moaning into my skin. 
“Stroke yourself, angel, I want you to cum with me.”  He said and his voice was almost crooning in its seduction.  I reached down and using the slick liquid already seeping from it as lubrication, stroked my cock.  I moaned his name as he slid his other arm beneath me and wrapped it around my chest.  I tightened my hold on his hip, and we held each other firmly as we rocked against each other.  My climax was already starting to build.  The emotion of our love-making heightened the physical pleasure of the act just that much further.    I stroked my cock in time with his increasingly hard thrusts into me. 
“I’m so close, Jayden.”  He cried suddenly in my ear, and the sound was like an electric pulse in my stomach.  “You’re so fucking tight like this…  I can’t…”
“Fuck me…  Yeah…  Fuck me harder…  I’m almost there…”  I groaned, and he pulled my leg back over his and let go, his arm wrapping around my waist.   He held me tight in his arms as his thrusts became harder, more erratic. 
“God, Jayden…  Oh God…”  He murmured into my shoulder, and then I felt him bite my shoulder sharply as his motions became rapid and jerky.  Then he pulled me bard against his hips and he groaned loudly as he came.  The small pinch of pain, coupled with the feeling of him buried inside me caused me to stroke hard and fast until I felt myself shooting jets of semen onto the blanket in front of me.  Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through me as he started to pull out and I felt that extra sensation adding to my orgasm, prolonging it. 
I leaned back against him and felt him panting into my neck.  It was one of the most erotic, most beautiful experiences I’d ever had.  I reached up and put my hand over his on my stomach as he kissed my shoulder where he’d bitten. 
“Wow…”  Ethan murmured into my neck.
“Wow, indeed…” I replied and squeezed his hand.
Copyright (c) 2011 – J. P. Barnaby
When I walked naked into the playroom, where Ethan had instructed me to be, my attention was drawn to the two bound boys. A bar was hanging from the suspension pulley, and one boy was bound to each end by his wrist. Neither of them was really struggling, but they were both barefoot, clad in jeans and t-shirts, and blindfolded. It was then that I noticed Ethan sitting on one of the nearby padded tables, waiting for me. He winked before walking over to stand next to the slighter boy on the left whose brown hair framed his face perfectly, and I found that I wanted to run my fingers through it, as Ethan was doing. While he rubbed the front of the kid’s jeans, he talked softly to him. Then, he moved over to the darker haired boy, and rubbed his nipples though his light t-shirt as he spoke to him. I couldn’t hear what he told either boy, but when he moved back over to me, both had raging erections that were clearly visible through their denim.
“I have a present for you, angel,” Ethan said to me, his voice soft and seductive, his lips so close to my ear that his warm breath made me shiver slightly. “Their Mistresses said they could come and play with us for the afternoon. This one,” he indicated the boy on the right, the black haired boy, “even came with instructions from his Mistress.”
They were both beautiful, from what I could see of their faces behind the black leather blindfolds. Stepping forward to the thinner boy, I rubbed his chest through his t-shirt. The nipple piercings surprised me, but I kept running my hand over his chest. He relaxed slightly under my touch, so I leaned closer, putting my lips just an inch or so away from his ear.
“What is your name, boy?” I asked quietly. He inclined his face towards me, as if he were trying to see me through the blindfold covering his eyes.
“Johnathan, Sir,” he whispered. “John,” he said quickly, correcting himself. Moving my hand up to his cheek, he pressed his face against my palm, but my smile went unseen as I backed away and moved to the other boy.
This one was slightly taller, with a stronger build. His black hair was short and straight, his complexion darker than the first boy. As I ran my fingers over the second boy’s chest, he let his head fall slowly back and moaned.
Running my nose slowly up his neck, just barely touching his skin with my own, I murmured. “tell me your name.”
As he drew in a sharp breath, he pulled his hands forward only to be stopped by the cuffs. It looked like he wanted to touch me, but of course, he couldn’t. While I waited for a response, I pinched and rolled his nipples under his t-shirt.
“Brandon, Sir,” he said shyly.
Ethan drew my attention back to the first boy. “this genius went onto the internet and talked about coming to play with us. He said we should ‘make it good’,” Master Ethan said, whacking the boy’s ass with a strap, punctuating each of the last three words. The boy cried out, and I told him to shut up. The denim was absorbing the fucking blows, just wait until we had him naked. We would make it so good; he might not be able to sit for a while.
“Strip the insolent one,” Ethan commanded as he went over to Brandon, speaking to him sweetly as I grabbed the collar of John’s t-shirt with both hands. I pulled hard and heard not only a satisfying rip as the shirt tore down the middle, but also a surprised gasp from the still blindfolded boy. His now bare chest rose and fell rapidly. Next, I tore his shirt sleeves, destroying the t-shirt before it fell uselessly to the floor.
Then I noticed the tattoo.
A beautifully intricate design traversed the length of his torso along his right side from the top of the ribcage down into his jeans. Very slowly I traced the lines and curves of it with my finger, and he shivered. Reaching down, I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before jerking his remaining clothing down to his knees. His cock sprang up, bobbing lightly as I pushed the jeans and briefs the rest of the way down.
“Step out of them,” I commanded, and he lifted his feet one at a time, freeing himself from his clothing. I grinned wickedly as he squirmed in his bondage, as if he could hide his charms from me.
He now stood naked before the Master.
Master Ethan carried the leather flogger over to the naked boy and stood behind him. He winked at me before swinging the implement and striking the boy on the ass. John jerked, and emitted a low grunt as the pain radiated through his skin. The next three blows came in quick succession, and he was whimpering after the third. Brandon was trembling, assuming he would be next. When I went over to calm him, I touched his arms, and he jerked violently away from me.
“Shhhhh… It’s alright, sweet boy,” I said quietly to him as I removed his blindfold. “Is that better?” Nodding slowly, he took a deep shaky breath, and this time, when I put my palm against his cheek, he leaned into it rather than away from it.
“That’s it, no one is going to hurt you,” I told him. “We are just going to have a little fun and then your Mistress will come to get you, okay?” He nodded again, this time with a little more enthusiasm. “You remember the safe word?” I asked, just to be sure.
“Yes, Sir.”
I turned around to watch Master Ethan working John, his ass and upper back were now a nice shade of red, and he was hanging from his wrist restraints, shaking. Master had turned him so that Brandon and I could see better, and rubbed the boy’s ass with his large hands. The boy moaned, and spread his legs apart, trying to get better footing.
“Get him down and strip him,” Master Ethan told me, indicating to Brandon while he started to untie John. I pulled the ropes binding the boy’s wrists to the bar above his head, and he lowered his hands, still bound to each other. Surprisingly, he got slowly to his knees in front of me with a quiet, reverent, “thank you, Sir” before kissing both of my bare feet. He held his hands up to me, and I untied them. Gratefully, he rubbed his wrists, still kneeling quietly on the floor. Learning over, I grasped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head revealing his tanned muscular chest. I had absolutely no doubt that he would be a beautiful sight nude, and I would find out soon enough.
“Brandon, stand and get naked for me,” I told him in a stern voice. As he rose to do what he was told, my attention was caught by John, naked on his knees with his hands laced behind his neck. He was sucking Master Ethan’s cock, for all he was worth, as it drove in and out of his mouth. The combination of his soft moans and noisy sucking sounds were making me fucking hard.
When I turned back to Brandon, he was naked, and standing off to the side. He was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, obviously at a loss as to what to do.
“See what your friend here is doing?” I asked him with a smirk, and he nodded. “I want you to do the same, on your knees, boy.” Quickly, he knelt before me, and with his fingers laced behind his neck, he took my cock into his mouth with enthusiasm. The strained groan left my lips without any conscious thought as his tongue ran lightly over the sensitive head.
“Have you ever sucked cock before, boy?” I asked him, trying not to blow my fucking load. God damn, he was good. Moaning, he nodded very slightly. Well, that explained why my fucking balls were tingling after just a few minutes. My head fell back as I grabbed his short black hair, driving my cock deeper into his mouth. “Yeah, just like that, take it all,” I groaned as he took me deeper. He sucked hard, almost as if he wanted to suck the cum right out of me. The flat, rough of his tongue pushed hard against my sensitive skin, just adding to the sensation. Just as Master Ethan pulled out of his boy’s mouth, I grasped Brandon’s hair, and pulled him back. Thank God, or I would have cum right down his little throat.
“I want to see them suck each other,” Master Ethan said with a sly grin, and I waited to see exactly what he had in mind. He left John kneeling where he was and pulled over a low platform covered in leather, but didn’t look padded. It was about four feet square by about two feet tall. He called for John to come to him, and crawling on his hands and knees, the boy complied quickly. Forcing the boy to lie on the platform, he then called for Brandon. He made Brandon get on all fours over John so that Brandon’s legs were on either side of John’s arms, and Brandon’s arms were on either side of John’s legs. Then, Master Ethan bound them in that position. He tied John’s wrists to Brandon’s ankles and John’s elbows to Brandon’s knees and then continued to do the same with Brandon’s wrists and elbows. We stood back and watched as they struggled, but there was no point.
“Well, boys, are you waiting for an invitation? Suck the cock in front of you,” Master Ethan instructed harshly, and I thought that maybe the boys were strangers because they were shy all of a sudden. Then, Brandon responded first, capturing John’s cock in his mouth. He bobbed his head back and forth, sucking the boy as John tried to do the same. John was having a hard time capturing Brandon’s cock in his mouth without the use of his hands. Finally, I took pity on him, and directed the boy’s cock into John’s mouth. Then, John made up for his failure by sucking Brandon enthusiastically.
It was fucking hot to watch.
There was nothing either boy could do but obey, bobbing, and sucking as we stood back monitoring them. Then, Master Ethan tossed me a condom and lube.
“This is your present, my Jayden,” Master Ethan said as he stroked my hard cock. “Which ass would you like?” I looked back to the boys, and decided that I did not want Master Ethan to have to kneel to take one of the boys, so I chose the one lying on the platform, John. Master nodded and bid me to remove his clothes, which I did gratefully. As much as I liked watching these boys trying to serve him, he was my Master, and it was my job to fulfill his needs. Quickly taking off my own clothes, I knelt next to the boys, my aching cock in line with the boy’s ass as he lay on the platform. Master Ethan stood behind the other boy, putting his hands on Brandon’s hips.
Forgoing my own pleasure for just a moment, I watched as my Master slid his hard cock into the sweet black haired boy. Master groaned but it was almost drown out by the boy as he whimpered around the hard cock in his mouth. After preparing my cock for the boy before me, I slid it up and down between his soft buttocks, the head grazing his tight little hole, getting him slick for me. Then, I pushed forward and felt my cock penetrate him, slowly entering his ass. He was hot, and tight, and it just felt so fucking good. Taking his slim hips in my hands, I found a nice rhythm, and fucked him hard. I loved to listen to his little grunts and cries around the other boy’s cock in his mouth.
Master Ethan and I fucked the boys hard, and delighted in their struggles.
Very soon, however, I felt that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I begged Master Ethan for my orgasm. He stalled, making me wait, making me hold out until he was ready. I recited every professional team I could for every city I could think of as I worked to hold off my orgasm. Finally, Master Ethan was ready.
“Cum hard for me Jayden, cum on that pretty boy’s face,” he said, his voice strained. His cry was more akin to a growl as he drove hard into Brandon and held himself there. The boys had stopped sucking each other, and I could hear their cries plainly as I drove my cock hard into John. My grunts were harsh and animalistic as I quickly pulled out and tore the condom from my cock. Pumping hard and fast, I looked down and saw that Brandon had closed his eyes. That was good, because before I could speak, my cum had begun to erupt from my cock to land on his face.
The hot erotic sounds that came from Master Ethan just drove me on as I continued to pump my cock with my hands in the boy’s face.
Finally, I was spent. I looked down and saw the thick white globs of semen on his nose and cheeks and smiled.
What a good boy.
Presenting my cock to him, Brandon opened his mouth and cleaned me, licking every inch before I pulled out again. I was most impressed with his subservience; I had to remember to congratulate his Mistress on his training.
Standing, I looked to Master Ethan and he asked me to get something to clean them up. Just as I got to the door of the playroom, it opened, and two beautiful women walked in. The first, had shoulder length brown hair and beautiful eyes, dressed in a black skirt and thigh high black leather boots. The other was taller with short auburn hair and a kind smile. This one, the kinder one, must be Brandon’s Mistress, I could tell by her quiet authority. She was the one who had given Master Ethan, one of the best trainer Doms anywhere, instructions on how to care for her submissive. I respected her for that.
I nodded to the women as I passed and jogged to the bathroom. It didn’t take me long, and I returned with two warm, wet washcloths, and two soft dry towels. The women were teasing Master Ethan about getting their toys all dirty while he untied the boys from each other. John stood and walked to his Mistress, waiting quietly by her side. Brandon, on the other hand, stayed on his hands and knees and upon reaching his Mistress, kissed her feet which were exposed by her sandals. She took the wash cloth from me, and carefully wiped his face while the other Mistress simply took the other and handed it to John.
“Jayden?” Brandon’s Mistress asked with a smile. “Could you hand me that lube near your feet?” I looked down and saw the bottle she had indicated and picked it up.
“Were you a good boy for Master Ethan?” she asked Brandon as he knelt before her.
“Yes, Mistress Michelle,” he answered, and the respect and devotion to his Mistress obvious in his voice.
“Very good, Brandon,” she said softly, pulling him to his feet. She grasped his hips lightly to turn him around. She poured a small amount of lube onto her hands, and wrapping her arms around his slim waist, she grasped his hard cock in her slick fingers. After realizing what Mistress Michelle was doing, the other woman followed, taking the lube from Michelle, and asking John if he had been a good boy as well.
“Yes, Mistress Renee,” he said softly, looking quickly to Master Ethan who nodded, chuckling. She poured a little lube on her hands, and wrapping her arms around his waist, began to stroke his cock as the other Mistress was doing.
Soon, the room was filled with deep moans, and soft whimpers from both boys as their Mistresses stroked their hard cocks. Brandon reached his peak first, begging his Mistress for permission to cum. She reached down with the hand not stroking his cock, and pulled lightly on his balls. He nearly whined, begging her again. Finally, she whispered something in his ear, and he cried out, his head falling back onto her shoulder. Increasing her pace, she stroked him hard as his hips moved to fuck her hand. Releasing his balls, she grasped his cock with both hands, and pumped him while twisting her palm over the head. When she moved her palm, he came with wild cries all over our hardwood floor. Semen pulsed out of his cock as she continued to pump him, his body shaking as the last traces of his orgasm faded, and after a long moment, she stopped stroking him.
Turning his head slightly to the side, he kissed her lightly on the cheek. “thank you, Mistress,” he panted, burying his face in her neck. When I looked over, John had cum as well, and was kneeling at his Mistresses feet. His face was pressed against her bare thigh, and she was stroking his hair affectionately. I walked over and stood next to Master Ethan who put his arm around my waist and kissed me lightly on the temple.
Mistress Michelle looked at the other women who smiled. “Well, Renee, it looks like we’re the only ones in the room who haven’t had the opportunity to get off today,” she said with a grin, leaning over to take Mistress Renee’s face in her hands, kissing her deeply. Something in me stirred as I watched their tongues dance lightly as they kissed. It was so fucking erotic to watch two women like that. Fuck, it was almost enough to make me hard again.
Mistress Renee looked down at her submissive on the floor and asked, “Are you boys ready to go home and please your Mistresses? You aren’t quite done with your service today.”
Copyright (c) 2010 – J. P. Barnaby

It was the perfect night for fireworks, both literally and metaphorically.  Jayden had taken well to his new wealth, and purchased himself a beautiful boat.  It was simply named Lexi with a detailed graphic on the stern.  Very straightforward, very profound.   We had partaken in a few drinks while we navigated to a fairly remote area on Lake Michigan to await this evening’s festivities.  During the last Friday night before the 4th of July, to wind down Taste of Chicago, the city went all out on a fireworks display.  Having both grown up here, Jayden and I knew that the best place to watch was from the water.  Since Lexi was out with Nicole, who was also visiting, we had the boat to ourselves.  The anticipation and tension between us was mounting exponentially the farther out from shore we went.
Night had fallen, and it was nearly time for the show to begin.  Theirs…  and ours.  I haven’t been with Jayden, or with anyone else since that last night.  Right now it was taking all of my concentration not to throw him over one of these deck chairs and fuck him into semi-consciousness.  God there is just something about him, something primal.  He turned then and caught me staring at him.  Something in his face changed, and he walked over to me.  I felt his hands on my hips pulling me into him, and then his breath on my neck as he murmured “I love it that you are so fucking hard for me.”  I moaned softly, remembering saying those same words to him as I had him pinned against my car at his graduation.  He was right however; I was so fucking hard – just for him.  Then he grabbed my shoulders, I thought for a fleeting moment that he was going to kiss me, but he just spun me.  I felt his hard cock against my ass as he pulled me to him.
“Strip, Ethan,” he said low and stern in my ear.  At once, I felt a battle begin inside me – the Dom versus the sub.  The Dom in me wanted to tell him to get on his knees so I could fuck that insolent mouth.  But, the sub in me wanted to please him.  Maybe it was the way his breath washed over my neck, raising the hairs there and making my flesh tingle.  Maybe it was the air of authority in his voice.  Maybe it was just because I had wanted him for too fucking long.  Whatever it was, the sub side won out.  The epic battle had been lost, and my Dom self knelt quietly in the corner in defeat. 
My hands trembled slightly as I began to unbutton my shirt.  A quick look around showed that the other boats were far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to see, but what if someone happened to drive by?  I laid my clothes across the nearest chair and stood naked before him.  As I raised my hands to link my fingers at the back of my neck, out of habit, the first round of fireworks exploded in the air.  My naked form was illuminated by the burst of light, and I heard Jayden’s sharp intake of breath.
“Do not move,” he said softly, and I heard him turn and go downstairs to the sleeping quarters.  So, I stood on the deck, exposed as I waited for him to return.  The spray from the waves below, caught by the light breeze stuck to my warm body.   My nipples were painfully hard, as was my cock.  Surreptitiously, I glanced around again as the light from another explosion overhead lit the surrounding water – still, no one in sight.   I was so fucking hard now; I was starting to not care if anyone saw.   I haven’t been in this type of submissive position in so long, and to be in it for a man, in the open, exposed – there were just no words to describe how I felt.  I heard his footsteps on the stairs again and then something light fall onto the deck. 
“On your knees,” he said, and the dominance in his voice shot straight down through to my stomach.  I knelt slowly and felt a pillow beneath my knees.  My heart swelled at his thoughtfulness.  He had turned out to be such a good Dom – just as I knew he would.  He slid in front of me and leaned on the railing.  He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pulled them to his knees.  He was wearing nothing underneath.  He must have been anticipating some kind of interaction between us.  I smiled inwardly.  Stroking his hard cock just inches from my face, he looked down at me with a mild expression.
“Do you want this?” he asked softly.  I licked my lips, and nodded slowly.  I had never thought that I would ever admit to that, but I did.  I wanted his cock in my mouth, I wanted it everywhere.   “Earn it,”  he said with a small smirk.  Then he lifted his erection and pushed his balls against my lips.  I kissed them reverently, darting my tongue out to taste him, to caress him.  He moaned low and deep in his throat and pushed forward.  I opened my mouth wider, taking them in and sucking lightly.  His hips moved slowly as I moved my mouth farther.  I darted my tongue behind the skin of his balls, massaging lightly.  A strangled sound came from him and he pulled back abruptly before pushing forward and sliding his cock between my open lips.  Then, he groaned in pure pleasure.  I had forgotten how gratifying serving someone was.  I reveled in the feeling, sucking him harder, moving my mouth faster.  The only thought in my head then was pleasing him. 
Just as it should be.
“Use your hands too, Ethan.  Show me how much you want to please me,” he said his voice low and strained.  I thought for just a moment, and then used one had to stroke between his legs, starting where my mouth had just stopped.  His fingers tightened in my hair.  The slight pain of it shot through me, and my erection strained in the air.  I really wanted to rub it against his leg, like a little dog in heat.  The thought shocked me with its utter debasement.
I pulled back from him for just a moment, moving my hand from his balls to his cock.  With the other hand, I reached over and snatched the lube from the deck next to the pillow I was kneeling on.  Taking him quickly back into my mouth, I applied the lubricant to my fingers and reached behind him.  I used my other hand to massage his balls lightly.
I was rewarded with a throaty groan that was then punctuated by the fireworks exploding overhead.   As I slid my lubricated fingers slowly in and out of his rectum, I thought wildly of how I no longer cared who saw us.  Pleasing him, serving him, was my only thought.  His hips moved slowly, pushing his cock deeper into my throat, and then pushing back hard into my fingers.
“Yeah…    Fuck…  Ethan that’s so good…”  He moaned, distractedly.  I smiled and hollowed out my cheeks.  He couldn’t last much longer as I used my fingers to fuck him harder.  All at once, he pushed deep into my throat, holding my head still.  His muscles clenched spasmodically around my fingers and he came with an animalistic sound – longer than a grunt, but deeper, more primal than a groan.  The sound ran straight down my spine and I swallowed his cum as it shot into my throat.  I did so, proudly.  Finally, as his orgasm subsided, he pulled back letting my fingers slide from him.  He fell to his knees and captured my lips with his.  I knew he could taste himself when his tongue sought entry through my parted lips.  But, if he didn’t care, I certainly didn’t care either.  I moaned into the kiss, feeling it everywhere.  Fuck, I hope he lets me cum soon. 
“Mmmmm…  Now it’s my turn to play,” he said with a wicked, impish grin.  He stepped from in front of me and reached for the ropes he’d left on the ground.  “Lie there, with your head toward the bow.”  He said sternly dropped the pillow that I had been kneeling on.  When I laid down so that my head was almost in the pointed front of the boat, my hips fell onto the that pillow.   He grabbed my wrists and used one of the pieces of rope to bind them together.  Then, he bound them to the point of the railing at the very front of the boat – right over my head.  The fireworks exploded again, and I looked around but all I could see were the sides of the boat.
He took another length of rope and tied one end to my knee.  Pulling the other end through the railing, he pulled my knee up and out and then secured the other end of the rope to my ankle so that my leg was now bound to the railing at my side.  He did the same with the other leg.  I was bound and exposed on the deck of his lovely ship.  His hands roamed ceaselessly over my bound thighs, my tensing stomach, and over my painfully hard erection.
“Perfect…”  He murmured softly and moved back to begin to whip the insides of my thighs.  “Absolutely perfect.”  I arched my back and moaned, feeling the sweet sting on my skin.  My hips began to move gently of their own accord, and I heard Master Jayden chuckle lightly.  “That’s it, move your hips.  Show me how much you want it, boy.”  I rolled my hips again, pushing them into the air.  I did want it.  I wanted whatever he was willing to give.  His hand went to my cock now, stroking, tormenting me.  “Don’t you cum until I give my permission, Ethan,” he said in a stern voice.  Then, his sweet mouth was on me.  I felt his lips, his tongue, his hot breath.  I locked my jaw and my hands balled into fists, doing everything I could to keep control.
“Very good, Ethan,” he said, pulling back and reaching behind him.  I felt rather than saw the lubricant on his fingers as he slid them deftly into me.  I moaned and rolled my hips to match the gentle motion of his hand.   “Do you like it when I touch you like this?” 
“Yes,” I moaned quietly.  He stopped immediately and looked at me expectantly.  “Yes, Sir,” I corrected, moving my hips against his hand.  He pulled back and used his lubricated fingers to stroke my cock as he entered me.  His thrusts were slow and gentle, and I wondered if anyone else could hear my cries and whimpers.  I was bound, exposed, and being taken while he was clothed.  I felt so vulnerable.
Then, without warning, I saw a light play over his face.  Fuck, it was another boat.  Jayden looked up and smiled at the approaching vessel.  He waved and my whole body tensed.  I’m fucking naked here with your cock in my ass, and you’re waving?  I thought savagely, starting to panic.   He moved his hips very slowly so that they wouldn’t be able to tell.  I didn’t think they could see me at all, yet. 
“It’s so hot, fucking you like this with an audience.  Should I ask them aboard?”  He asked mockingly down at me.  I shook my head violently. 
“That’s not the proper answer, Ethan.  If I want them to watch me fill your ass with my cum, I will.  Your only thought should be what pleases me,” he said sternly, and I blanched.  Of course it was.  It wasn’t what I wanted that matter, but what he wanted.  My panic caused me to beg.  He waved the other boat off and put his hands on the rail over me.  He fucked me hard, his hips slamming into my ass over and over. 
“You’d better fucking cum for me.  Now.”  He growled, stroking my cock harder, faster.  I concentrated on that feeling, and on the feeling of being bound and helpless for him.  My orgasm started deep within me, and exploded out of me with tremendous force.    I grunted, I groaned, and I screamed out – the feeling was so intense as I pulled hard on my bonds.  The sight of me losing every measure of my control was too much for Jayden and he soon followed.  With one last hard thrust, he groaned deeply as he shot into me.  It was so fucking good.
He leaned forward to press his soft lips to mine, and then whispered gently to me –
“I think I like you being my sub, almost but not quite as much as I love serving you.”


Posted: January 1, 2011 in Free Fiction, M/F, Short Story

Copyright (c) 2010 – J. P. Barnaby

As she watched his fingers flow gracefully, effortlessly across the keys, his back arched lightly and he allowed his head to fall back, lost in the low cadence of the piece. His closed eyes made his youthful, stunning features appear almost peaceful, something that only happened as he found that perfect place that was his music, or as he slept. The melody was soft, almost haunting in its depth as it cascaded through the suffocating confines of his small bedroom. Long, slender fingers caressed the keys, each delicate note infused with a passion from him that very few ever saw. She considered herself blessed to have such a privilege, because it almost seemed as if his hands moved independently of each other with amazing dexterity. A rich crescendo wrapped around her as she stood motionless in the doorway sending a chill racing through her. Or maybe the chill was inspired by the long, bare lines of his back that tapered into the slim hips half hidden by his well worn jeans. His feet were bare, as they always were when he worked and cuffs of the long jeans were tucked under his heels as he worked the pedals on the floor. The way he rocked almost imperceptibly in perfect rhythm with the notes as he played was not quite sexual, but it made her tremble nonetheless.
Everything about him made her weak.
Her fingers clenched reflexively on the doorframe as she fought not to cross the mere half dozen feet that separated them and push his long hair from his eyes. For years, she had joked with him about putting it in a barrette because she was almost desperate to feel its silky texture beneath her fingers. With his head back the way it was, only a small part of his bangs covered his closed eyes. The very ends touched the deep shadows that seemed to be a permanent addition to his beautiful features while the rest was tucked back behind his ears showing much more of his porcelain skin. His pale face highlighted by a slight flush of his cheeks, and the soft pink of his tender lips, the bottom one held between his teeth as he concentrated on his work.
Briefly, she wondered if he ever watched her while she wrote and then brushed aside the thought almost immediately. Why would he watch her, there was nothing special about her? From the long, brown hair that was either always too curly or too straight, her deep set hazel eyes always held a measure of sadness, and her almost boyish frame, she was thoroughly ordinary.
A soft breeze blew though the window next to his desk, moving the curtain and allowing a ray of early morning sun to fall across his face. Sensing the change, his eyes opened and the imperfect rays only served to offset the intensity of his majestic cerulean eyes. A veritable tempest of emotion raged through them as she stared, breathless.
It was like looking into the face of God.
The music abruptly stopped, and she heard a few mouse clicks as he saved his work onto the state of the art computer that sat next to his keyboard, a thin cable connecting the two which allowed him to record his sessions.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there,” he said quietly turning in his desk chair in order to face her. His gaze remained on her, not quite looking at her, as the storm continued to rage in his eyes. The way his shoulders were curling in on him, she could see that he felt extremely vulnerable, as he generally did when he composed.
“I didn’t mean to bother you…I love…listening to you play,” she replied, stammering a little under the intensity of his gaze. But, as she watched, his face slowly closed, and then he grinned that fake happy grin that he wore for everyone else, the one that hid the pain he wanted no one to see. Her heart sank. She wished that just once he would open up to her. They had lived together for four years, attending the Academy of Fine Arts together – she in the literature program while he was in music. At first, she had been a little concerned, as were her parents, that she had been assigned a male roommate, but as time passed they found that, at least domestically, they were perfectly matched. After that first year, they found an apartment together where they would remain until graduation. As they were both seniors, that time was desperately running short.
“So, what are you making me for breakfast?” he joked, the mask perfectly in place. It broke her heart to see it, and she looked away fixing her gaze on the perfectly crafted lines of the hardwood floor beneath her bare feet.
“Come on, I’ll make you some pancakes, we have a little while before class,” she said, and something of the pain she felt must have come through in her voice.
“Hey,” he said quietly, walking over to take one of her hands in both of his. She felt a hum go through her fingers and up her arms, leaving her with goose bumps. It was as if his hands resonated with some secret power, a power that allowed him to create perfectly orchestrated music from nothing. Wildly, she thought about how those hands would feel over different parts of her skin. “Is everything okay?”
The sweet sincerity in both his soft voice and gentle touch brought a lump to her throat. Not meeting his eyes, she nodded, working hard to stem the flood of emotions that was threatening to burst from her.
“You know,” he said after a moment, and she could hear the forced levity in his tone. “I checked the schedule, and I’m pretty sure it’s my day to be morose.” Her gaze turned questioning, and he merely looked over at a calendar hanging on the wall under his Breaking Benjamin poster that had been signed by the band. She followed his look and saw with a sick feeling that it was the first of the month. His father called him on the first of every month for an update on how his money was being wasted by his disappointment of a son on his little music hobby. For the first year that they had lived together, she thought that her roommate was gay because of all of the slurs that his father hurled at him during his monthly visits.
Fag-boy, sissy, pansy…
Since they’d gotten an apartment, and his father could no longer publically humiliate him, the man had started to settle for monthly phone calls instead.
It explained perfectly the haunting melody he’d been playing that morning.
Without a word, she pulled her hand from his and slid her arms up around his neck letting her forehead rest in the crook of his neck. She let herself indulge in his spiced infused with a tiny hint of citrus scent as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Standing motionless, afraid even to breathe and break the spell, she felt the heat of his naked chest through the thin tee shirt she wore. When the mask was on, he was very affectionate and flirty, but this felt altogether different.
This was just for them.
When he finally pulled back, he pressed a light kiss to her forehead and moved down the hall, no doubt to take a shower. She stood motionless, replaying the feeling of his lips on her skin, of his arms around her, over and over again. It wasn’t until she heard the shower stop that she finally went to the kitchen to start breakfast.
During her first morning break, after the poetry class that she detested, she called the machine at their apartment to see if the bastard had called yet. She was worried about her friend, he’d seemed so withdrawn when he had left for class. The insults and constant negativity were starting to affect his music as well as his grades. He had been spending more and more time on the roof of their building, isolating himself, and she knew that it was so he wouldn’t have to keep up the pretense of being happy and social. Sometimes at night, when he thought she was asleep, she would hear him throwing things in his room or screaming into his pillow. He was screaming so fiercely that even though their beds were only separated by a single thin wall, he didn’t hear her tears for him.
It was her late day, and she didn’t want to think about what state he might be in when she finally arrived home. Last month, the first had fallen on a Friday and he had gone drinking after the call he received from the old man. She didn’t know if he was trying to prove something to his father, or to himself, but when he came back to the apartment, he brought a girl with him. Cold and alone, she was already in bed when she heard the soft titters of a decidedly female voice from the other side of the wall. Bile rose in her throat as she heard the girl’s muffled moans. In her mind she imagined him kissing some perfect looking blond sorority girl, with long slender legs wrapped around his waist.
It sickened her that rather than turning on some music and drowning them out, she’d listened, desperate to hear his voice. Without consequence to her own fragile heart, she wanted to know what he sounded like when making love, something that she would never hear in her own bed. Despite her nausea, she found that the erotic sounds of the girl’s nasally voice, and his gruff moans aroused her. Putting her hand against the cold drywall, it was the closest that she would ever get to touching him.
She sobbed harder that night than she could ever remember having cried before.
Hour after hour, class after class, she was distracted by thoughts and memories of him. She prayed that his father would be too busy ruling the world to call this month, but she knew that he was unfailingly predictable in that regard. Of course she wondered if his mother had lived, would the woman have put a stop to the harassment of her son? There wasn’t much she knew about the situation except that the woman had died just before he had started college, and that he missed his mother terribly.
When her last class finally ended, she called home to see if he wanted Chinese take-out. He didn’t answer. She sighed, and picked up the food anyway before heading back to the apartment they shared. Pulling in behind his black jeep, she was relieved to see that he was home rather than at a bar picking up another random girl. She climbed the two flights of stairs to their door, surprised to find it unlocked.
“Hey, I brought food, are you hungry?” she called through the stillness creeping through the apartment like a physical presence. The quiet was unnerving; he always had some kind of music playing. She set the food on the counter and quickly went to his room. It was empty. She checked her room and the bathroom, they were empty as well. The apartment wasn’t big enough for him to hide. He simply wasn’t here, though his wallet and keys were on the counter. An ice cold shard of fear slid into her stomach as she took off at a run for the door and then the stairs that led to the roof.
At first, she didn’t see him as she scanned the roof quickly in the failing light. She searched around the dusty air ducts and padlocked power stations, her panic threatening to consume her. Heedless of the beautiful sunset view afforded to her, she continued to search the dingy space. When she reached the opposite side of the roof, her heart caught in her throat. He was sitting on the waist-high safety wall with his legs dangling over the other side. It would take nothing more than a nudge to make him fall. With her heart pounding in fear, she walked quietly to where he sat.
“Hey,” she said quietly trying not to startle him. He didn’t say anything; he just kept looking down at the street below. As she moved to stand next to him she saw that his face was completely blank, and that scared her more than anything. Resting a hand tenderly on his shoulder, she felt that he was shaking, though his tee shirt and jeans were more than adequate for the warm night. He didn’t move, he didn’t speak, he simply stared.
She made her decision in an instant.
Taking his hand, she pulled in an effort to get him to come off of the ledge. After an initial resistance, he turned slowly and planted his feet on the ground, standing before her, his face still blank. She led him inside and back down to their apartment, but rather than stopping at the table to eat or taking him to his own room, she took him to her bedroom. Laying her hand on his cheek, she waited until he looked down at her. She noticed with great relief that the mask hadn’t returned, that he was allowing himself to feel.
“Do you trust me?” she asked in a whisper, and almost immediately, he nodded. Letting her hands slide purposefully over his chest, feeling his nipples harden under her touch and over his abdomen feeling his muscles tighten, she pulled his tee shirt out from where it was tucked into his jeans. He lifted his arms, allowing her to pull the shirt from his body without argument. It seemed he was beyond that, simply craving the affection and the comfort that it might bring him. She knew that was all it would mean, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop, to deny him what he needed most.
After unbuckling his belt, she opened his jeans, and pulled them down along with his boxers. He stepped out of them numbly as she wondered if it was his trust in her, or his pain that made him so compliant. God, he was beautiful. It was the first time she had ever seen him nude, and heat flashed though her as her cheeks flushed. With her face level with the curve of his hip, she wanted to kiss him, lick him, and suck him until he was as aroused as she was. But it wasn’t about her. It was about him. She had no idea what had transpired in the conversation with his father, but she was determined to bring him back from that dark place.
“Lie on the bed, on your stomach,” she urged and he complied without emotion or comment. As he lay motionless on her bed, she couldn’t help but think about the fact that he was finally there. He was naked, and in her bed as she had dreamt about for so fucking long. Her heart ached at the lack of joy in it.
Sitting on the side of the bed, close enough so that she could feel his body heat against her hip, she opened the bottom drawer of her nightstand. Pulling the thin, sheathed rope and a box of condoms from its depths, she set the box on the surface, and unfurled the rope. He still had his face buried in his arms as she laid the rope out next to him.
“Put your arms over your head,” she whispered and he looked up at her, noticing what she held. His eyes held hers, and his gaze was imploring as he reached up and grabbed the slats of her headboard. Resting his head on the pillow, he was facing her now, but his eyes were closed. He would have looked almost peaceful if not for the pain still radiating from every line in his face. She took his left hand and rested it on her thigh as she wrapped the rope around it easily. Knotting it firmly, she took his other hand and using the longer loose end of the rope, bound his right wrist to his left. When he was secure, she left a lot of slack in the rope as she bound the loose end to the headboard. He would be able to move his bound wrists, but not separate them.
She laid her hand on his shoulder, watching for any signs of distress from him, but he was motionless. Sliding down the bed carefully, she bound his ankles to the footboard in exactly the same manner. She took one quiet moment to run her fingers lightly through his hair knowing that she would never have the chance to do so again. Then, quickly pulling off her own clothes with absolutely no flourish or pretense, she stood over him feeling more naked than she had ever been.
Grabbing his discarded jeans from the old second-hand rug that separated her from the cold hard wood floor, she pulled his leather belt from its loops. Praying that he would not hate her for what she was about to do, she doubled the worn leather in her right hand. Placing one steadying hand on his lower back, she swung the belt feeling her heart break at the loud cracking sound and the subsequent cry of pain. He didn’t ask her to stop, he didn’t protest with either word or movement. He simply lay there and let her beat him.
After the fifth strike with the belt, he started to scream.
He turned his face into the pillow, and screamed with each snapping blow. She knew that she wasn’t exacting enough force for that kind of reaction, but the sound still ripped through her. It was raw and anguished. Tears streamed down her face as she watched his slim hips writhing on the bed, as his cries of grief and loss were torn from his throat. She continued with even measured strokes, watching his skin flush under the relentless torrent of blows. His soft skin trembled, relenting around the unforgiving leather of the belt.
Her arm ached, and just as she was finally about to concede, he began to sob.
At long last, she had broken through.
The belt hit the floor with a clatter as she crawled onto the bed next to him, his body heaving with the weight of his pain. Pressing her body close to his, she stroked his back, his hair, and his tormented buttocks.
“That’s it, baby, please just let it out…” she begged, moving her hand up to stroke his long hair as his face remained buried in the pillow as it if could absorb his anguish. For a long time, she held him, trying to console him. Eventually, as the room receded into full darkness, he began to calm and soon had stopped crying.
“He told me that once I graduated, he never wanted to see me again. The only reason he paid for college was because it was my mother’s dream,” he confessed, his voice cracking under the strain. “I’m alone now,” he whispered as if he were afraid to say it aloud.
“You’ll never be alone,” she whispered back as she kissed the back of his neck gently, lifting his hair off the nape. He tilted his head slightly, giving her more room and she took that as a sign of acceptance. She moved her lips down over his shoulder, covering it with feather light kisses.
“I have wanted to touch you like this for so long,” she murmured into his skin, and she felt him lift his head to look at her, but she couldn’t bear what she might find there. She begged silently for him to just give her that one night, it didn’t matter that the dawn would destroy her. He moaned softly, whether at her confession or her ministrations she wasn’t sure, but she trailed a line of kisses down his spine. A small keening whimper burst from him as her lips trailed over the soft skin of his buttocks, still suffused with heat from the belt. The sound quickly turned frustrated as he figured out that he couldn’t move into her touch, couldn’t spread his legs. He could do nothing, but accept her sensual caresses. His muscles clenched and relaxed, over and over, almost shuddering under her careful lips.
“Please…” he moaned, and that one word caused a wild spasm of need though her belly and her already ripening sex. Trailing one trembling hand along his inner thigh, she watched as his hips thrust down into the bed. He was so turned on by what she had done that he was stroking himself on the soft down comforter beneath him. She watched him for a long moment, his flexing hips, the way his hands clenched into tight fists around the edge of one of her pillows, but mostly she listened to the out of control sounds coming from his writhing form.
Untying his ankles quickly, she helped him to roll onto his back. She could not bring herself to remove the bindings from his arms for fear that he would leave. With his head resting comfortably on a pillow, she looked her fill of him, from his red swollen eyes to his fully erect sex. Straddling over his thighs, she ran her tongue slowly up his side causing him to buck beneath her. She smiled lightly as she used her tongue to deliver barely there flicks around his hardening nipple.
“Oh God…” he whimpered straining his hips up, stroking her tender stomach with his thick erection as she pulled the bud between her lips. With maddening slowness she kissed along his pectorals moving to the other side of his chest to lavish the same attention on his other nipple. He began to squirm against the bed in earnest, completely unable to contain himself. It brought her arousal to new heights, heights she had never reached with anyone.
Turning her head to the side, she caressed his chest with her soft cheek and her hair as she slid slowly down his shaking body. Kissing along his side, and down over his hip she almost painfully avoided the aching erection straining towards his stomach. Pinning his hips to the bed, she licked and grazed kisses over his pelvic bone and heard the headboard straining as he pulled against the rope binding him to it. Looking up briefly, she saw that he had his bottom lip between his teeth and his head was pressed back into the pillow.
She smiled at the sight before running her tongue gently along the crease between his inner thigh and his hip. His erection grazed her cheek, and she moved closer, peppering his pubic area with kisses, burying her lips and her nose in the coarse hair. God, he smelled like spice and musk and sex. She reached down and fingered one of her own nipples as his whimpering got louder. The sounds were so raw, so primal, that she couldn’t stand to tease him any longer. Flattening her tongue, she ran it along the underside of his erection from the base to the head. He bucked and cried out as if he were going to come right then, but instead she captured the head between her lips and sucked.
“Oh, my God…” he cried and she opened her mouth wide and once again buried her nose in the hair at the base of his sex, only it was embedded in her throat. She could feel his muscles strain as he tried not to move, tried not to thrust into her mouth. His balls tightened in her small hand as she rubbed them lightly.
His head rolled back and forth on the pillow as she looked up at him. Eyes tightly closed, every muscle in his neck and shoulders was straining as her head bobbed lightly, stroking him with her lips and her tongue.
“Please…I can’t…” he moaned as his hips continued to grind back against the bed. She pulled away looking up at him.
“Untie me…Please…” he implored, and she felt her throat burn with the rejection. She knew it was too good to last, that he could never want her. Crawling up the bed, her hands shook as she untied the knots around his wrists, she would worry about getting the rope off the bed later. Not looking at him, she started to get out of bed when he grabbed her hand and, scooting lower in the bed, pulled her to straddle his lap as he sat cross legged on the bed.
“I wanted to touch you too,” he whispered and ducked his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth. She took full advantage of the position and drove her hands into his silky hair, holding his mouth to her breast. Crying out in pure unbridled joy, she felt his arms move around her back as he cradled her.
As much as she wanted to prolong the moment, she could no longer wait to have him inside of her. Snatching a condom off of the bedside table, she ripped it open and flung the packaging onto the floor. Moving back just a bit, his hands fell to her hips and she rolled the latex down his rigid length. With his hands still on her slender hips, he helped her to impale herself, sinking down until he was sheathed fully in her tight, warm sex. He held her there as his eyes closed as she reveled in the feeling of their union, afraid that her heart might burst.
Her arms went around his shoulders while his went around her waist, and he pulled her as close to him as he could. Gently, she rocked back and forth, causing him to thrust into her, but allowed them to remain as close as two people could get. His face was pressed against her breasts, covering them with light kisses as they made love. It was more than she could have ever dreamed.
Soon the sensations, the sheer joy of their lovemaking, overloaded them. He dropped his face to her shoulder, and she rested her cheek on top of his head never breaking their perfect rhythm. He shifted his position slightly, and then his length was stroking that tiny bundle of nerves deep inside her that would be her undoing. Faster and harder she rode him, using her legs and her hold on his shoulders as leverage. Her sex was clenching around him, tightening until she thought she would scream.
Her climax hit her with such intensity that for a moment she forgot to breathe. With her head thrown back, she clutched at him, all measure of decorum forgotten. He drove up into her, trying to prolong the feeling, but as all of her muscles tensed, including those around his sex, which was already ready to burst, he came, exalting her name as if in prayer.
They stayed like that, joined in the most intimate of ways as their breathing began to slow.
She knew that their time was over, and like any fairy tale, the magic was about to end.
Therefore, it surprised her when he lifted her slightly and pulled the blankets over them both after discarding the condom in her bedside waste basket. Spooning behind, and wrapping both arms around her, he sighed lightly into her hair. She reached back and stroked his hair as his lips found her ear and his whisper filled her soul with joy.
“You are my family now.”


Posted: January 1, 2011 in Free Fiction, M/M, Short Story
Copyright (c) 2010 – J. P. Barnaby

It wasn’t until I was five years old that I knew, without any measure of doubt, that I was different.
My father was a large, rather jovial man, a man that I looked up to and admired more than any other in my life.  He just wasn’t particularly fast.   My fifth birthday came in the spring of 2000 with a glory that belied the nondescript sky and the post-snow pre-summer day.  I remember it clearly so many years later because it was not just the day I realized that I was different, but it was also the first time I ever saw my father fail.  Of course, parents were human and I would see it again, just as he would see me fail from time to time, but at five my parents were still super-human.  I find that poetic now. 
It was mid-April, and the snow had finally stopped falling onto our small down of Pedukka, Illinois.  The leaves were coming back to the trees, the grass had been revealed, and even the air seemed to give off a greenish glow.  Spring had finally come, and with it came a beautiful red bicycle.  It wasn’t like the old bicycle sitting in the garage with its comically painted figures on the cardboard stuck into the front of the handlebars.  The bike, that despite my father raising the seat as high as it would go, still bruised my knees as I rode.  This new and glorious machine was sleek and stylish, made of steel and chrome, and high gloss paint.  There was just one thing missing, well, a matching set of things really.
Training wheels.
My old bike, for all of its failings, was equipped with sturdy, reliable, indispensible little wheels on either side of the back wheel.   They, more than my own developing sense of balance, kept my smooth, unblemished skin from coming in direct and violent contact with the sidewalk that stretched for miles in front of our house.  That one small detail, that one minor anomaly kept me from my new gift for nearly a week.  A week of side-long glances at the object of my dreams and desires as I sat on the back patio, a week of my friends asking if they could ride my new shining machine, and a week of my father becoming increasingly exasperated with me.
“It’s time for you to be a big boy, Scotty,” he said on the Saturday following my birthday as we sat on the back porch.  ‘You’re going to be starting school once summer is over, and you will be able to ride your bike there, don’t you want that?”  Miserably, I nodded.  “Well, none of the other kids have training wheels on their bikes at school, son.  You need to learn to ride it properly, or you can’t take it to school.”
The next day my dark brown curls were security locked under a new plastic helmet, and my wide green eyes were watching my father give me instructions as we stood under the old maple tree next to the sidewalk.  I was tall for my age, so even on the new bike, so my father had to raise the seat an inch or so.  I had on a pair of my older jeans, a silent expectation that I would fail.  At least they and the old Incredible Hulk sweatshirt that I wore would give me some measure of protection from the unforgiving concrete. 
A few of the neighborhood kids stood scattered around in front of their houses conspicuously held a forgotten Frisbee or a plastic sword limply at their sides as they watched me.  Feeling like I stood in a huge and well-focused spotlight, I lost track of what my father had been saying until he lifted the new big bike onto the sidewalk with the handlebars facing the longer stretch of pavement.  Ours was just the fifth house on the street, so pointing toward Lake St. I had miles of concrete in which to figure this out.
“I won’t let go until you’re ready,” my father was saying as he held on to the back of my seat.  Reluctantly, and with more than a little trepidation, I got onto the bike.  My knuckles were nearly white from the pressure of holding on so tightly.  My hands trembled slightly with fear and excitement, and it felt like the whole bike was vibrating from it.  In that moment, I felt my determination, my sheer willpower to make my father proud solidify into a tight ball in my chest, and I felt warmer.  It wasn’t the kind of warm you felt on a hot day when you needed the sprinklers to keep you cool, it was a warm that started from the inside and worked its way out.
“Are you ready?” my father asked me with a quiet determination of his own.  I wanted to just nod, but I felt like some kind of verbal affirmation was required here.  This was a rite of passage; it was a huge step in every boy’s life.  My mother standing inconspicuously to the side snapping image after image on her old digital camera was proof of that.
“Yes, dad,” I told him quietly, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.
And then, I was flying.
I rode fast and hard down the expanse of sidewalk with my father right beside me, his huge hand holding onto the back of my seat, steadying me.  It was amazing!  My knees didn’t bang into the handlebars, and I felt myself going faster than I ever could with the much smaller wheels of my kiddie bike.  I looked back at my father, just a glance to see the pride in his eyes as he ran next to me.  His face was flushed and sweating trying to keep up with me, and I remember clearly the moment that he no longer could. 
My father’s eyes widened with fear and apology as his hand slid off of the back of my seat.
The panic swelled inside of me as I watched him bent over clutching his side, and then I turned back to the sidewalk before me to face the unknown.   The handlebars wobbled a bit, but I continued to remain upright as my mind blocked the idea of just hitting the brakes.   I kept going, foot by foot along the sidewalk, the fear and panic being slowly replaced with something else entirely.  My father had let go, and I hadn’t fallen.  I was doing it!  I was riding without training wheels!
Only belatedly did I realize that I was riding right towards Lake Street.
“Scotty, stop!  Walter catch him!” my mother called from behind me, and I heard my dad running again.  Still, I couldn’t make my mind work through the excitement and the fear.  I turned my head to look behind me, almost imploring my father to catch me.  If I stopped pedaling, would I fall?  What did I do?  The decision was made for me in an instant when my front wheel, which had drifted off course as I watched my father, lodged in the crack between the sidewalk and the grass and the bike stopped instantly.
Unfortunately, I didn’t stop with it.
I heard my mother’s scream as I was launched over the handlebars of the new bike.  It was strange how time seemed to slow as I was airborne.  I saw the horror of my father’s face, and saw my mother running from much farther behind him.  I remember being impressed at how far I’d ridden just before my helmet covered head slammed into the ground, and I heard the tremendous crack of my arm breaking.  I slid to a stop about ten feet from my bike and started to scream. 
I screamed from the pain, and the fear, and the shock of my father’s inability to protect me as he said he would.
“Scotty, can you hear me?  Let me see?”  My father’s voice was so close, and I felt him pull at my arm and the scream came again ripping through my throat.
“Walter, is he okay?” my mother’s voice asked, and I felt tender hands unsnapping my helmet.
“I think he broke his arm, and his leg is bleeding,” he said above the sound of my crying.   My whole body felt like it was on fire, but it was especially hot in my right arm and my right leg where I had landed on the pavement.  As the feeling in my arm and leg grew hotter, the pain became sharper and more focused.  I screamed again, and I felt my father lift me from the ground and carrying me quickly back to our house. 
“What about my bike?” I whimpered as the pain peaked, and then started to subside.  The heat seemed to have peaked too because I didn’t really feel it as sharply anymore.  It was more like a warm glow on the right side of my body now.
“Don’t worry about that now,” my mother said, her soft brown hair pulled back from her face, except for the small tendrils that were stuck to her damp forehead and neck.  “Let’s just get you inside.”   My father cradled my arm tightly against his body as he hurried across our yard towards the almost cottage-like country blue house where I spent my youth. 
Of course, the house is gone now, destroyed in the fire set to cover my parents’ murder.
Gently, my father carried me through the doorway and set me down on the burgundy leather couch that was the center piece of the room.  I rested my head against the arm of the couch and my father positioned my legs on the cushions.
“Carefully, Walter,” my mother urged, tears streaming down her pale face.  It scared me, to be honest, because I don’t remember ever having seen my mother cry before.  Was I that badly injured?  I could see the blood on the torn and frayed knee of my jeans, but there was no pain.  The pain had gone away with the heat.
“Mama, it’s okay, it doesn’t hurt anymore,” I told her, hoping that this would stop her tears. Unfortunately, it just made the situation much worse.  My mother gasped, and slapped her hands over her mouth.  My father looked back at her and held her gaze for a long moment before pulling a pocket knife from his jeans.
“He must be in shock,” she whispered to him.  “I’ll get him a blanket.”  She ran over to the hall closet and pulled down a large quilt.  I wasn’t cold; on the contrary, the warm was still glowing a little inside me.  She held on to the blanket while my father sliced my jeans opening the hole that had been ripped out during my fall.  He pulled back the layer of fabric, and then he looked at my mother.  Ripping the jeans down the whole length of my leg, he searched my skin and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong.  Then, he took my right arm gently in his hands and moved it.  I just looked at him, trying to figure out what he was doing.  Carefully, he helped me remove my t-shirt, and I looked down to see that everything looked the way it always did.  So, why did my father look so frightened?
“Jeanette?  Jeanette his arm was broken, his leg was all cut up and bleeding, I saw it.  There’s still blood on his jeans, but not a scratch on him!  What the hell is happening!?!”
~ – ~
It wasn’t until I was eleven that I noticed just how different my parents treated me both from the way they had been towards me, and from the way other parents were with their children.  It was almost like I was a bomb they thought might go off at any moment.
I wasn’t allowed to take gym, I wasn’t allowed to go outside for recess, I was treated like an intricately spun glass antique.  They explained it to the school administration as some kind of calcium deficiency which was a rare condition that my father’s brother, Doctor/Uncle Marvin, confirmed in a note.  The condition, or so they explained to the school, caused my bones to be extraordinarily susceptible to fracture.  As such, I was imprisoned in the school office for each gym period and each recess.  I never understood this, but I was forbidden to speak about it to anyone.  That wasn’t a problem since no one at school would talk to me anyway.  Once I was identified as different, labeled as outside the norm, I became a social pariah.
It was the loneliest time of my entire life.
My parents never talked to me about why they had caused me to become a social outcast.  Of course, I know now, but then, it was a level of confusion that my adolescent life really did not need.  I had figured out that their erratic behavior must have something to do with my bike accident, the one that I’d had when I was five.  Walter and Jeanette Green became completely different people after that day, and I never saw my beautiful red bike again.
For years, I was alone, I was angry, and I was scared – until I met Andy Weber.
Andy Weber moved to our small Illinois town near the end of our sophomore year of high school.  His cheap, worn clothes, the old ratty backpack he carried, and most of all, his dark personality caused him to be almost instantly shunned by the self-important student body of Davidson High School.  I liked him instantly.  I liked the way he didn’t bow to the peer pressure, or the way he stood up to the teachers when he didn’t agree.  He was everything that I wasn’t, and I never understood how we became friends.  It must have been our shared unpopularity.  As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I also liked the way his sandy hair fell over his eyes when he was writing, or the way his muscled arms flexed, barely obscured by his t-shirt when he put on his almost retro styled backpack.   The most haunting thing about Andy though, was his eyes.  It was almost like he’d lived an entire lifetime behind those deep brown eyes.  I think it was his eyes that became my downfall. 
Slowly, without any real conscious effort, we began to gravitate toward each other.  We sat together in classes, we sat together at lunch, and we looked out for each other.  After a few weeks of this, we started to become friends, and I found that his social persona was just that.  Andy Weber, the real Andy Weber, was a nice guy with a good heart.  I promised him faithfully that I would never tell.
“My mom died when I was three,” Andy had confided in me once as we sat on his bed looking through a few of the hundreds of comic books that he had accumulated over his young life.  I was never really interested in comic books, they weren’t my thing, but I had hundreds of mystery novels stacked in my room so I could relate to his love of reading.  It seemed he had the same goal I did when I read, to escape the constant barrage of insults at school, the overbearing parents, and generally just our miserable lives.  My sticking our face in a book, or a comic book, we could pretend even for a little while that we were someone else.  We could pretend that we were someone exciting, someone that people admired.
As strange and controlling as my parents were, I don’t know how I could live without either one of them.  They were my whole world up to that point.  My mom took me to school and picked me up, even though we lived less than a mile away.  My father helped me with my homework and played catch with me in the backyard, surrounded by the privacy fence.  When I asked him once why we couldn’t play catch at the park like my friends at school, he just said that he didn’t want me to get hurt. 
Maybe it was because of all of the time I had on my hands, time in my teenage years that should have been spent in social activities with my friends, but I started to get restless.  As a last ditch effort to finally break hold of my parents outrageous grasp, I convinced them to let me join the chess club.  It was just a few nights a week, I reasoned, and chess wasn’t exactly a contact sport.  In time, they relented, but I found no more acceptance among the geeks than I did among anyone else.  So, I started spending the time that I was supposed to be at chess club at Andy’s.  My parents would never have allowed this, of course, because Andy’s father worked nights.
For a while, we were alone, and I was free.
It was during these nights, alone with Andy, that I found my true self.
As I look back now, I know that those small hours of freedom cost me so much more than I had been willing to pay.
I still remember how that horrific night started, like it was a stained glass image reflected on my mind by the bright flame of my own self-hatred.   I had been at Andy’s, like every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night, because that’s when the chess club met.   It was the night I was going to finally tell Andy how I felt about him.  Sexuality was something that we never talked about.  He didn’t tell me about girls he liked, and I never told him about guys I liked, but I just got the feeling from him that what we had together was something more than just friendship.
“Andy, can you turn it down for a second, I need to talk to you,” I had told him, very loudly, over a particularly harsh speed metal song now blaring, slightly distorted, over the too small speakers.    His expression, curious but open, gave me hope.  We were seventeen year old boys about to embark on their first adventures.  My heart raced, and I felt a light sheen of sweat break out on my forehead and palms as he hopped up and sat cross legged on the bed in front of me.  Possibly sensing that what I wanted to tell him was important, he didn’t fidget or badger me as I sat quietly, playing with the zipper of the hoodie I wore. 
“Scotty, come on, whatever it is, it can’t be that bad,” he said quietly, and I looked up at him.  Slowly, he paled.  “Are you moving away?”  With his father’s job, Andy had moved more times than I could have imagined, having lived in the same house for as long as I could remember.  Andy and I had been worried since he moved here almost two years ago that his father would find another job.  He was happy here, and of course, I was happy with him being here.
“No, it’s nothing like that,” I replied with a soft sigh, trying to frame the thoughts that I wanted to convey to him.  How do you tell another guy that you like him?  How do you tell anyone?  Not for the first time, I wished for at least some kind of social skills, skills that my parents had long been denying me.
“Alright, you’re fucking killing me here, just spit it out.”  To anyone else, it would look like he was starting to get exasperated, but I could see the fear behind the façade.   I wondered if he would consider it to be bad news.
“I like you,” I said bluntly, and even though I was trying to keep my expression completely neutral, my face flushed.  I felt the heat spread through my cheeks, and down my neck.  His expression went from forced exasperation to confusion in an instant.
“I know that, I like you too?” he replied, and it came out more as a question than a statement, like there was some big piece of the puzzle he was missing.  Of course, there was.  My eyes fell to the black comforter on Andy’s bed. 
“No, I…I like you like you…” I forced out running my finger along one of the comforter seams.  If I’d have looked up, I would have seen him come at me, but I didn’t.  The next thing I knew, he was on top of me.  I prepared myself for the blows, but what I didn’t prepare myself for was the kiss.  His fingers wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling my face to his and then his lips were on mine.  It was hungry and charged heavily with emotion and need.  I’d never expected my first kiss to be quite like that when I had pictured it in my head. 
This was better.
Andy tasted like chocolate and something close to heaven.  I whimpered against his lips as he pushed me back onto the pillows and lay down next to, and half on top of me.  I loved the feeling of his weight, and tangled my bare legs with his.  Andy’s long hair fell on either side of our faces like a short curtain, just enough to pull us into our own little world.  As soon as my mind caught up to what was happening, I wrapped my arms around his strong back, and I felt his soft moan as our mouths opened again and again against each other.
I fisted the back of his silky black hair, trying to get closer.  If I could have crawled inside of him in that moment, I would have.  God it felt so good.
His lips moved down over my cheek to my neck, and I heard him murmur against my skin “I never thought I’d hear you say that to me.” 
~ – ~
 After that school year ended, I had the best summer of my life.  Andy and I got closer, I grew three inches so that I was taller than just about every guy in my class, and in the fall I would turn seventeen.  The times I loved most that summer were just lazing around in my room, listening to music and kissing.  We didn’t dare attempt any more with my mom in the house, and my mom was always in the house.  It was enough for then.  In a year we would be able to go off and have our own adventures, either together or apart, and I was really looking forward to getting out from under my parents’ control.
I should have been much more careful what I wished for.
It was towards the end of that summer that I first started seeing the shadow man. 
One rare afternoon, my mom let Andy and me go off on our own and walk down to the small convenience store on the corner of Elm and Park.  Of course, I had no bike, I’d never gotten another one after that first little red bringer of misery.  Andy left his at my house as to not antagonize my mother.  If she thought I rode on his pegs, she’d never let me go anywhere with him.  We talked about the classes we’d chosen to take in our senior year since we’d gotten our schedules a few days before at registration – another rare outing for us. 
“Yeah, thank God I got out of taking that Literature class.  I decided on Astronomy at least that will get me out of the house at night.  You took that one too, right?” I asked Andy as we rounded the corner of my street and started walking north on Elm.
“Yep, I think my dad is going to talk to your mom and see if they want to split the cost of a really good telescope instead of just buying two cheap ones.  I can come over here on Friday nights and we can do our homework.  A nice Meade would work, maybe even one with a computerized tracking system and software.  A few of the lower end models even have USB hookups for your laptop,” Andy said, and I was surprised.  Usually, Andy didn’t find anything interesting or exciting about school, but the prospect of an Astronomy course, especially one that included a really good telescope really made him engage.  His eyes below the black bangs he’d grown out over the summer were bright and excited.
It was hot.
“What?” he asked coming to a stop just a block south of Park.  I smirked at him, and he grinned.  Looking around to make sure no one was around, I was about to whisper to him what I’d just thought, but I saw the car on the other side of the street.  I’m not even sure now what made me focus on it.  It was a nondescript black jeep.  The soft top was down, and there was a guy just sitting behind the wheel watching us.  I nudged Andy and jerked my head in the direction of the jeep.
The guy behind the wheel looked to be tall and thin, though he was sitting.  The doors were off of the jeep, so I saw that he was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt, even in the late August heat.  The expensive-looking sunglasses he wore obscured his eyes, but his hair was shoulder length, wavy, and jet black, hanging loose and neat from a part on the left.  His bangs hung down over the glasses, and I noticed that he had a short goatee.  He couldn’t have been older than thirty, but the way he watched us made him feel menacing.
“All black, black hair, are you sure he’s not related to you?” I asked Andy, and he shook his head. 
“Dude, you’ve never seen my dad?  I’m supposed to have light brown hair, the black is a dye,” he replied, still looking at the jeep.   “Let’s get out of here, I really don’t like the way he’s watching us, he looks like a perv.”
I glanced back over my shoulder as we made our way quickly to towards Park.  The guy did look familiar, like I’d seen him on TV, or at school or something.  I just couldn’t place it.
Of course, that wouldn’t be the last time I’d see him.
~ – ~
I saw him several more times over the next month, driving down our street, parked at the bank across the street from Andy’s house, even near my dentist’s office for my checkup.   Each time that I saw him, he never really acknowledged me, he didn’t approach me, he just sat there….watching.   It was eerie, but of course, I never told my parents, they would have locked me in my room until I was thirty as protective as they were.  A few times I wondered if they saw him, if they noticed that there was a grown man stalking their son. 
It wasn’t until my seventeenth birthday that things spun wildly out of control.
“Scotty, your father and I need to tell you something, could you come in here for a minute?” my mother asked on the morning of my birthday.  She was sitting in the living room with my father right by her side.  Whatever it was that she wanted to tell me, it couldn’t be good.  I opened the soda that I had just pulled from the refrigerator, and walked slowly into the living room.  Neither of them would look me in the eye.
I sat down in the floral armchair across from the couch, unconsciously perched on the very edge as if bracing myself for attack.  My fingers gripped the arms of the chair, and I waited.  Did one of them have cancer?  Were they going to stop me from seeing Andy?  Did they know I was gay?
“Scotty, this is going to be really hard for me to tell you, so I’m not going to drag it out.  Your father and I have decided that you’re old enough to tell you that…well….that,” my mother stammered, and that frightened me even further.  My mother never lost control of what she was saying, and I remembered feeling that suddenly, I wanted to be anywhere but in that room.
“Son, what your mother means is that we adopted you…when you were six months old,” my father elaborated, and felt my blood run cold.  I wasn’t their kid?  They’d been essentially holding me hostage since I was five years old, and I wasn’t even their kid?  The burning in the back of my throat, and in my eyes caught me off guard.  Taking a deep breath, I was determined not to cry, I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction.  My chest constricted, almost painfully as questions raced over and over through my mind.  Where were my real parents?  Did they know that there was something different about me too?  Is that why they got rid of me?  Where my adopted parents going to get rid of me too?
I remember being very scared at that point.
“Wh…why?” I asked, falling back against the back of the chair, my hands trembling on its arms. 
“Why?  Why did we adopt you, honey?” my mother asked, and her face remained composed, even though my whole world was spinning out of control.  “We wanted to help a child that had no place to go.   There are so many children in this world that…”
“No!”  I stood up, knocking the arm chair backwards so that it landed with a loud thud in the middle of the living room.  My parents, my adopted parents, looked at me in surprise.  My mother’s hand flew up over her mouth, and my father held her hand just a little tighter.  “Why the prison?  Why can’t I be normal?  I’ve been miserable since I was five years old, since you decided that I wasn’t allowed to play, have fun, or even have friends!  Now I find out that you did all of that to me, and I’m not even your kid!”  I started towards the door, and as I turned the handle I murmured just loud enough for them to hear over the sniffling of my mother “It doesn’t matter why.”
“Scotty!” my father called, the sound cut off as I slammed the door behind me.   Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and I stormed down the stairs.  I had no idea where I was going, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.  Looking up towards Lake Street, I saw a couple of kids playing football in a yard a few houses down.  The other way, a group of teenagers stood on the sidewalk, laughing and talking.  Vaguely, I was aware that these were kids that I went to school with, maybe a year or so behind me.  It didn’t matter, it’s not like I was wanted there, so I opted to head over to Andy’s.
The door opened as my feet landed on the sidewalk, and I started to run.  I didn’t want my parents to catch up with me, or try to stop me.  Right then, I remember feeling trapped, and needing to get away from them for a while, to think.  My father yelled for me again as I ran towards the street.  I could cut through the Hammond’s back yard across the street from us and then it was just a few houses over to Andy’s house.
The scream took me by surprise, but no more so than the pristine blue pickup truck that slammed into my side.
Pain, such that I had never known before or since, exploded through my body as I felt myself cartwheel through the air.  I had a distinct impression of the windshield blowing out as my head connected with it before rolling off of the far side of the hood.  Screeching tires mingled with the screaming, and I didn’t even bother trying to put my hands up to break my fall as I connected hard with the street.
I had no idea who was calling my name.  Blood was flowing copiously onto the street as I lay there unable to move.  The sun was hot as it beat down on me, and I felt sweat starting to streak through the blood.
“Scott, can you hear me?” That was my father’s voice, shaken, frightened.  Then lower, away from me he said, “Jeanette, we have to get him out of here.”
“Walter, I called an ambulance,” someone said, and it sounded like Mr. Hammond.  Only another adult would call him Walter.  “Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay.”
I could hear the tears in my father’s voice when he asked my mother what they were going to do.  From where I lay on the concrete, I just wished that they’d get me out of the sun.  My body was on fire from the pain, and the heat.  Mr. Hammond came closer, and I could see his face.  It was then that I realized….I wasn’t in the sun.  Of course, I had heard of spontaneous combustion, but I didn’t really know much about it.  The thought occurred to me that I was starting to burn from the inside out.  Screaming as the pain peaked; I just wished that I could pass out.  Between the heat and the pain, breathing was starting to become unbearable. 
“It’s okay, baby.  It will be over soon,” my mother whispered in my ear.  I couldn’t tell if she was talking about the pain, the burning, or my life but as she said it, the pain started to subside.  I didn’t know if I was just going numb, or into shock, but I was thankful for the reprieve.   The burning stayed at just above my tolerance level and when I felt my mother’s cool hand on my cheek, I whimpered.
“Holy mother of God.…”
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph….”
The gasps when up all around me, and I couldn’t tell what the commotion was about, but the burning had started to subside.  I felt sore and drained, like I’d just run from one side of the state to the other in a matter of minutes.
“Come on, we have to get out of here,” my father said quietly to my mother and me.  The crowd that had assembled around me backed up quickly as I sat up.  As I took inventory of my limbs and my torso, I saw that I had no injuries.  There was blood everywhere, but no cuts, no broken bones, and no bruises.  If my clothes hadn’t been ripped and soaked with blood, I wouldn’t have known that I’d been hurt.  Oh my God.
My parents took away my bike after I fell.
My parents never let me do anything where I might get injured.
I was adopted.
The panic welled inside of me as I sat there on the street, surrounded by gawkers and covered in my own blood.  My heart was racing, beating frantically in my chest almost as if it were trying to escape.    I felt more than I heard my breath coming in labored gasps, hitching, punctuated with terrified sounds, so that I sounded just as lost and scared as I felt.
Questions popped like flashbulbs in my head.  Who was I?  What was I?  What would happen when people found out that I was a freak?  Who was that guy following me?  Did he know what my body did when it was injured?  I felt disconnected from my body, like it was a separate and uncontrolled entity.  Sometimes, I still feel that way, even though I know the truth.
“Come on,” my father said, pulling me up from the ground as the rest of the crowd backed up even further.  No one spoke.  No one approached us.  They just stared.  I was the noontime attraction at the zoo, the carnival freak on display.  My parents sheltered me the best that they could from the spectators, but soon we were inside of our house, safe – from them at least.
“Pack everything that you can into the back of the truck, we have to get out of here.”  My father was more frightened than I had ever seen him.  He rushed from his desk to the kitchen pulling out drawers seemingly at random.  My mother had run upstairs to start there.
“Dad…I don’t…I don’t understand…” I said, stammering as I watched him rushing around, and I could almost feel him vibrating as he passed me.  “Why do we have to leave?”
“Because you’re the missing genetic link in human evolution,” a voice said from near the door.  My father dropped the framed picture that he was holding, and it shattered on the hardwood floor.  He pulled me behind him and faced….the shadow man.
“Stay away from my son,” my father said, and his voice was much steadier than it had been even just five minutes before. 
“Jason, you need to come with me, right now.”  The shadow man looked out of the front door, and then closed it tight.  Walking over, he pulled the curtains, and then stood in front of me again.
“M…My name is Scott…” I said, still stunned at his appearance, and what had happened outside.   My whole world had just swung on its axis, and I was barely hanging on. 
“Maybe… But you were born Jason Sanders.  My sister named you after our father,” he said and his voice softened at the mention of his sister. 
“Your sister?  That would make you … what, my uncle?” I asked, my brain finally starting to catch up.
“How did you find him?”  My father seemed to have caught up too.  “It was a closed adoption, no one was supposed to know where he was, or who had adopted him.”
“Look, we don’t have time for this,” the man said looking out the window again.  “One of those teenagers was taking video, it won’t be long before that goes viral on the internet.  We need to get you someplace safe.”
“Hey man, I don’t even know your name, I’m not going anywhere with you,” I said just as my father bellowed basically the same sentiment. 
“My name is Logan Jeffries.  My sister, Dr. Melinda Sanders was your mother and an extraordinarily talented geneticist.  Your parents met while working on their doctorates, their thesis work was on fetal genetic manipulation.  They were trying to make stronger healthier babies, and as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, they succeeded – with you.”  He paused, and I took that chance to interrupt him.
“So, I’m an experiment?” I asked, starting to feel a little sick. 
“I won’t lie to you, kid.  You were conceived in order to further their research, yes.”  Taking in my expression, he hurried to continue.  “That was at first.  After you were born, your mother fell in love with you…completely.  You were the baby she never knew she wanted. “  He smiled at me briefly before his expression turned dark.  “Your father, on the other hand, never saw you as more than just an experiment.  Once the initial testing was done, and they’d done everything they could that was non-invasive, he wanted to do more extensive testing.   He wanted to see just what you could do.  The only way to do that was to deliberately injure you.  Your mother fought him every step of the way, but when you were about four months old, she came to the conclusion that he would never stop.  Your father was an ambitious man, and he wanted to start using what they had learned, he wanted to put the theoretical into application, the only way he could do that was to complete the experiment.  Your mother brought you to me and asked me to keep you safe.”  His eyes clouded over, and his voice got very thick.  I sat down on the chair behind me, knowing that I wasn’t going to like whatever was coming next in the story.
“Once I took you and started the adoption proceedings to hide you, she….she killed him, and herself,” he choked out.  It was obvious that he loved his sister very much.  Why else would he go through all of this trouble, this nightmare for a kid he didn’t even know?
“H…How?” I asked because it seemed important.
“She blew up their lab while they were both working, making sure to destroy all of the evidence of your life so that no one would be able to track you.  It was such a hard decision for her, because mankind would have really benefited from their research, but it might have led to you, and she felt she owed it to you to hide you as well as she could.”  I looked up at my dad and he was pale.
“Now that people know, someone will come for him won’t they?” he asked Logan, and I felt the ice cold fear grip my chest.  “Most likely, government people, because they can do whatever they want under the guise of patriotism.  Can you imagine an army of soldiers that can’t be injured?  How much would that be worth?  Surely it would be something indescribable next to the life of some no name kid.”
“Dad, what do I do?” I asked just as someone knocked on the front door.  Logan straightened up with a jerk and looked carefully out of the front door.
“It’s okay, it’s just your friend,” he said and pulled open the door.  Andy looked shell-shocked at Logan standing in my living room with his hand on my front door.   He walked hastily into the room, making sure to skirt away from Logan.
“Dude, Duncan just sent me a video of you from his phone.  What the hell is going on?” he asked, and I noticed that his voice was shaking.  Poor Andy, he had no idea what to think, what to feel, just like I didn’t.  Andy’s eyes kept flickering to Logan.
“Andy, I don’t have a lot of time.  I’m…I’m leaving tonight with Logan,” I tilted my head to indicate that I was talking about the black-haired man standing in our living room.   “Come upstairs and help me pack.”  I looked over at Logan and he nodded, and I grabbed Andy’s hand and pulled him upstairs with me.  I heard Logan call that I had half an hour, and then we had to leave.
Shutting my bedroom door, the first thing I did was watch the video that Andy had on his phone.  By a horrible coincidence, he had been taking video of his friends screwing around and even captured the first few seconds of the accident.  In horrified silence I watched the truck hit me, now seeing what I had only felt just about half an hour before.  The injuries looked fatal, and there was blood everywhere.  After just a few minutes, I watched, fascinated as my injures started to heal themselves.  Watching it felt like it took less time than the pain and burning that I had endured.
I remember thinking – was that really me?
I had always known that I was different, but I had never felt special or exceptional, just excluded.  As I watched the jagged red rip in my forehead slowly stop bleeding and close, something inside of me changed.  No longer the outcast, or the pariah,  I now knew the reason that I was different and it was significant.   When the screen on the phone went dark, I handed it wordlessly to Andy and pulled the huge backpack we used for camping from my closet.  As Andy watched, still apparently shocked into silence, I packed jeans, t-shirts, briefs, socks, everything that I could fit that was clean.  I took my laptop, my cell phone, and everything else of value and put it in my school bag.
There was no way that I could know what would happen, but I wanted to be as ready as I could be.  I had no money, and would be relying heavily on a complete stranger.  To say that I was terrified was an understatement.  It would take a far greater leap of faith than I was ready to do in order to trust Logan.  There was just too much left unknown and too little time.
In time, I would come to look on him as a brother, but then…
“Wha….What are you?” Andy asked, finally.  I zipped up the backpack, and sighed.  Sitting on the edge of the bed, I looked up at him, and quickly gave him an abbreviated version of the story Logan had told me.  The more I told him, the wider his eyes became until I was sure they would pop out of his head.  I couldn’t blame him, the story was rather farfetched.
Andy leaned down and picked up my school bag from the floor, slinging it over his shoulder. 
“As much as I hate to say it, and as much as it will hurt, I think he’s right – you need to get out of here,” he said, looking at the floor.  I grabbed my big backpack, checking the alarm clock beside my bed.  We had been up here for twenty seven minutes.  It was time to go.
I followed Andy downstairs and we set my bags on the floor in front of Logan, he gave me a half-smile, seemingly impressed that I followed his instructions so well.  My father handed me an envelope and I peeked inside.  There was a large stack of twenty dollar bills inside.
“That’s all we have on hand right now to help you, I’m sorry, Scotty,” my father said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a hug that I thought might result in injuries that needed my special gift.  Logan took the envelope from me, and handed it back to my father who looked indignant.
“Jason’s parents were considerably well off when they died, and that money came to me and to Jason.  You are going to need that to get out of here.  I will take care of him,” Logan said quietly, and after a brief look at my mother, my father took back the envelope.
“It’s time to go, Jason,” Logan said pointedly.  With the fear battling against sadness in my heart, I walked over to my father and hugged him.  I heard a quiet sob break from him at the loss of his son.  He had loved and protected me practically my whole life, and I never once appreciated it until now.  I was a horrible son.
“You be careful,” my mother said as I held her against my chest.  I had been taller than her for several years at that point, and she was cradled in my arms like a child.  In that moment, I could have stayed like that for days even though just hours before I was furious with her.  My whole world had changed in a matter of minutes.
“I know that we have no choice in this, he is going to be hunted now and us right along with him.  If no one knows he’s with you, he will be safer that way.  Please, take care of our son,” my mother told Logan, and he nodded, leaning down to grab my school bag from the floor.  I walked behind him to the door and Andy caught my wrist.  Without thinking, I set my backpack on the floor once again, and pulled Andy into my arms.  Our lips met as my hand snaked it’s way through his hair, and the gasp I heard from my mother reminded me that I hadn’t yet told them that I was gay.  My mother found out quite a bit more than she ever wanted to know about her son that day.  I kissed Andy, burning the memory of his lips into my mind, desperate to remember. 
When we finally pulled apart, I pressed my forehead against his.
“I will miss you so much,” I told him, and it was the truth, he had been my only real friend.  Now the only person I would have to talk to was a grown man and a complete stranger.  Knowing that I would never be able to walk out the door if I looked back, I followed Logan to his Jeep.  He threw my things into the back, and I climbed in to the passenger seat next to him. 
The next thing I knew, we were speeding off into the night, driving head on into destiny.
It was just over a month later when I saw that my house had burned to the ground with my adopted parents inside.  They had given their lives….for me.  To this day, I can’t describe the horror that I feel when I think of them. 
They were the pawns, always the first to fall in battle, but the war had only begun.